How Much Does A Single Woman Spend On Food A Month


How much do you spend on food every month? As an individual, couple, or family. Just did some quick napkin math and found out I am spending about $1,000 per month as a single person. The average amount that a single person spends on clothes eachmonth is roughly 59 dollars for a woman, and 35 dollars for a man.This does not include shoes which add in 21 dol lars a month.

Write down what you eat for a month and figure it out from there. Title for a single woman. Food is a great place to save money. Just taking your own food, drinks, snacks, etc to work can easily save $10 to 15 per day.

And it's much better for you too. Learn to make your own fast food.

How Much Does A Single Woman Spend On Food A Month

I cook once every 2 weeks or so and package and freeze. I make 3 or 4 different things so I can alternate. Then I can take advantage of cheaper family size packages and only trash the kitchen once. Nothing will jack up your food bill faster than eating out all the time.

Find some good recipes and work on improving your cooking skills. Learn how to shop smart and find bargains!

Write down what you eat for a month and figure it out from there. Food is a great place to save money.

How Does A Single Woman Meet A Rich Man

Just taking your own food, drinks, snacks, etc to work can easily save $10 to 15 per day. And it's much better for you too. Learn to make your own fast food. I cook once every 2 weeks or so and package and freeze. I make 3 or 4 different things so I can alternate. Then I can take advantage of cheaper family size packages and only trash the kitchen once. Nothing will jack up your food bill faster than eating out all the time.